The G7 group has reached an agreement on expanding the use of renewable energies.
During their meeting in Sapporo, Japan, the G7 group, consisting of seven leading industrialized countries, managed to agree on goals for the expansion of renewable energy.
According to the final document of the meeting, the environment and energy ministers of the United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and Canada have agreed on specific objectives for the expansion of solar and wind energy.
According to the final document, it is planned to reach a capacity of approximately 150 gigawatts of offshore wind energy by 2030, which is equivalent to the output of 150 nuclear power plants.
Offshore wind farms consist of arrays of turbines that harness wind energy from the open waters and convert it into electricity.
Additionally, it was decided during the G7 meeting to install an additional 1,000 gigawatts of photovoltaic systems.
Germany has decided to increase its solar energy capacity to around 150 gigawatts by 2030 and also add 22 gigawatts to its offshore wind energy output.
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