The verdict for the case of the downing of the Ukrainian plane has been issued for ten defendants.
According to the announcement of the Iranian Judiciary, the court has issued a verdict regarding the defendants in the case of the downing of the Ukrainian plane.
In the issued indictment, the first defendant, who is known as the commander of the Tor-M1 defense system, has been identified and it is stated that he, contrary to the command’s orders and without obtaining permission and in violation of relevant protocols, launched two missiles towards the Ukrainian PS752 plane, believing that its characteristics resembled a cruise missile.
Iranian domestic media have reported that the first defendant, the commander of the Tor-M1 defense system, has been sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment, which will be reduced to 10 years with the deduction of previous days of detention.
The description of the charges against the first defendant states that based on the operational instructions of the system, firing the missile without permission from the command was prohibited, and according to the statements of the responsible officer in the command post, a warning message had been issued to all defense positions, stating that no one had the right to take any action without coordination from the command.
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