The situation will worsen for doctors in the future.
Masoud Pazhuhian, the representative of Tabriz, has been saying for over 40 years that if we continue on this path regarding the hijab issue, the results will be what we are seeing now, and even the outcome will be worse in the future.
Now, if we want to make a change, we need to reform our beliefs and behaviors through education, not through orders or laws. No one can tell someone to pray or fast with a law, as these are internal beliefs. Hijab is also a belief and conviction. If we try to forcefully impose hijab in the country, in my opinion, we won’t achieve anything.
This forced trend regarding hijab can bring dangers to the country. After all, some people have no problem with Islam and religion, and our behavior may cause them to have problems with Islam and religion, which is definitely not right.
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