Who is behind the election of the Chamber of Commerce of Jahangbakhsh Sanjabi

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Who is behind the elections of the World Trade Chamber’s Squirrel Division?

According to Iran Gate, it is a general practitioner in Kermanshah who is a professional wrestler. However, during the time when the reformists were in power, he introduced himself as a close relative of the national squirrels and denied any kinship or close relationship with them during the time of fundamentalism and their takfir.

He started his career in forensic medicine and, through flattery and sycophancy, in the 1980s, he managed to get close to Mohsen Taqqavi, the head of the Commission for Combating Smuggling in the Expediency Council, through Mahmoud Rashidi, a man with influence in the judiciary at that time. Due to his aptitude in letter writing and proposal drafting, he was able to become the secretary of one of the committees of this commission.

Mohsen Taqqavi moved to the Deputyship for Protection of the Expediency Council, and Squirrel accompanied him. During his time in this deputyship, due to his misuse and usurpation of the title of being introduced as a force and staff of the Ministry of Intelligence with the then expert of the Council’s desk in the Ministry of Intelligence named Meysam, he faced difficulties to the point where the ministry did not even confirm his qualifications.

After a while, he collaborated with the International Deputy of the Assembly and, at the same time, used his connections and the title of the Assembly to get closer to Al-Isaac, the head of the Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce, and was appointed as the Secretary-General of the Chamber by Al-Isaac.

In the Chamber, due to suspicious connections with the Iraqi currents, he faced problems with the Ministry of Intelligence until he managed to cooperate and gain the satisfaction of the Ministry in the Chambers of Iran and Iraq, by presenting reports from the Chambers to the Ministry of Intelligence, he became a news source and their pawn.

During the Rouhani administration, he went to the National Standard Organization for a while, then to the Ministry of Industry and now, in the new administration, he has regained his value and returned to the Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce.

Recently, through his manipulations and news spreading in the past, he has been trying to create the impression that he is a representative of the Ministry of Intelligence and influence the selection of Al-Isaac’s desired person in the Chamber of Commerce of Iran.

While he has no employment or organizational relationship with the Ministry, the presence and influence of notorious and corrupt individuals like Senejabi in the private and economic sector of parliament only leads to weakening and corruption in this important sector. We have to wait and see if security institutions take action to prevent these abuses or not.

What’s happening behind the doors of the Chamber of Commerce? Tension between security and government entities in the Chamber of Commerce.


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Saeed Aganji is a journalist and researcher specializing in Iranian affairs. He has served as the editor-in-chief of the student journal "Saba" and was a member of the editorial board of the newspaper "Tahlil Rooz" in Shiraz, which had its license revoked in 2009.
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