The parliamentary deputy says we can prevent the increase in house rent prices.
The parliamentary deputy of the president says that if the recent bill about housing rent prices is approved by the Guardian Council, the government can control prices and prevent the unreasonable increase in housing rent prices.
Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini mentioned the government’s plan to control housing rent prices. On Wednesday, 4th of Ordibehesht, representatives amended a bill that the parliament had previously proposed regarding housing rent, which the Guardian Council had objected to. Last week, it was voted on. We emphasized and followed up to get this done and not leave it to the new parliament because we are on the verge of summer and there are more relocations in this season.
He continued, saying that after the final approval of this bill, the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development can have more control and supervision over rent prices. Therefore, we hope that the Guardian Council prioritizes and finalizes this bill sooner so that it can be communicated to the authorities for implementation.
Hosseini stated that those active in the housing sector know well that the government has made very good efforts in this regard.