The head of the Moral Police in Kurdistan stated that the greater harm is caused by lack of hijab or by corruption and embezzlement.
The head of the Moral Police in Kurdistan said that the main problem in our society is apathy, inefficiency, financial corruption that affects the general public.
He continued by saying that there are some visible wrongdoings in society, such as bad hijab, which must be prevented. However, we also have wrongdoings that harm and distress the general public, and not everyone in society is improperly veiled or without hijab.
He added, ‘If everyone were to wear hijab and cover themselves completely, there would be no harm in this country.’ Certainly, this would not be the case. The main issue in our society is apathy, inefficiency, and financial corruption. Of course, I do not intend to prioritize wrongdoings, and I emphasized that prevention of bad hijab should be a priority.
He stated, ‘Let us judge our conscience and consider that society is more harmed by someone who deliberately or unknowingly violates the hijab for any reason, than by someone who engages in corruption, party favoritism, and administrative misconduct.’