Progress on National Housing Movement projects has been stalled at a 25% level.
The head of the parliamentary construction commission says the progress of the National Housing Movement plan has been halted at a 25% level, and only a very small part of government housing projects has been delivered.
Mohammad Reza Rezaei Koochi also stated on Thursday, April 11th that after three years of the Ibrahim Raisi government, the number of units delivered from this project has been very minimal, and what has been delivered is related to the previous government’s National Housing Movement project.
Despite the insistence of government officials, including the Central Bank governor and the government spokesperson, on the lack of impact of the increase in the free market exchange rate on the country’s economy, this parliamentary representative has stated that the currency inflation affects the physical progress of all projects, including housing construction and the National Housing Movement.
This parliamentary representative said that due to the fluctuation and instability of exchange rates in the currency market, the construction costs of housing are no longer predictable, and contractors are hesitant in signing housing construction contracts.
Mr. Rezaei Koochi further stated that under the previous government, the construction of 18 million residential units with 25% physical progress was underway, but the progress of the projects has been halted at that level.