Abbas Abdi: When we celebrate a contract with China, this is what happens.
Abbas Abdi: The most important element of power for any country, including Iran, is the support of the people for their government. For this reason, the priority is not the JCPOA and foreign policy, but rather domestic policy, which must be strengthened.
The Chinese, although they have significant differences with Western countries in their internal affairs, also clearly understand that public support is a very important and necessary advantage for the stability of any government, even if it is not sufficient.
We should not place the eggs of people’s lives in the basket of any foreign relationship. We must establish balanced relations.
If our foreign policy is based on national interests, we will have the most relations with China, followed by the European Union, and then neighboring countries. The United States and Russia will be in subsequent stages. However, when we pursue a foreign policy that aims to enter global blocs and celebrate joining Shanghai or a 25-year contract with China, the result will be what we are witnessing.