Abdollah Noori: The result of the revolution is a multitude of minor and major problems
Abdollah Noori, the Minister of Interior during the reformist government, visited the home of Seyed Mostafa Tajzadeh and met with his wife and family. Part of his remarks during this meeting are as follows:
If, after 43 years of establishing a system that was supposed to expand political, ideological, social, and cultural freedoms, faces and political, civil, artistic activists, teachers, workers, women, and various guilds are imprisoned, detained, or under house arrest for years due to expressing opinions, criticism, and different ideas, some of which can even be critiqued, and if the possibility of holding free elections is met with numerous restrictions, then why did the 1979 revolution take place? On my part, I once again apologize to the Iranian people for the economic problems, inefficiency, and the harsh social and cultural conditions they are trapped in, because the revolution of 1979 was not supposed to result, after 43 years, in a multitude of minor and major problems that the country and society are currently entangled in.