Ali Akbar Salehi: We must not let the people become separated from the system.
Ali Akbar Salehi, the former Foreign Minister of Iran, said at the 17th annual conference of the Iranian Political Science Association that we should have a correct assessment of our relationship with Russia and cannot act emotionally. Unfortunately, sometimes emotions overcome us.
We should not act emotionally in our relationship with Russia. Unfortunately, sometimes emotions overcome us.
The only factor preserving our governance and system is the people, and we must not, God forbid, let the people become separated from the system. We must know how to stand in the middle of the powers and work with them.
The United States wants to maintain its unipolar dominance, and for this reason, it needs to have a strong economy and military.
One of the important tools to contain China is energy, and one of the significant sources of energy is in the Middle East.