Antonio Guterres: Humanity Cannot Survive the Sequel of Openheimer’s Film Unharmed

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Antonio Guterres believes that humanity cannot survive the sequel to the Openheimer movie unharmed.

Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, believes that the escalated threat of nuclear war poses a danger that humanity cannot survive the sequel to the Openheimer movie unharmed.

The United States representative at the United Nations announced that his country, along with Japan, supports a proposed Security Council resolution on the prohibition of placing or developing nuclear weapons in space.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield stated at the UN Security Council meeting that placing nuclear weapons in Earth’s orbit would be an unprecedented dangerous and unacceptable act.

The White House had announced last month that Russia has developed an anti-satellite space troublemaking capability, although it also mentioned that such a weapon has not yet reached an operational stage.


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