Azari Jahromi: Spreading Islam by force and sword was not the way of the prophets either.
Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, the Minister of Communications of the twelfth government, wrote on his Telegram channel: It is said that one day a man went to a clinic to get a penicillin injection. The nurse asked him if he had ever had a penicillin injection before, and he replied yes. After this response, the injection was given, and shortly after, the patient had a seizure. Immediate medical actions were taken for recovery, and when the patient felt better, the nurse asked, ‘Didn’t you say you had penicillin before?’ The patient replied, ‘Yes, the same thing happened that time too.’
Hijab is a command of God, but it probably does not hold a higher place than monotheism. God instructed Moses to speak kindly when inviting people to monotheism. As far as I know, spreading Islam by force and sword was not the way of the Holy Prophet or our leader Ali. In implementing divine commands, except in cases of financial misconduct by officials, there are numerous historical reports of Ali’s leniency in dealing with Muslims.