With the order of the governor of Qom, the dismissal of a bank manager who provided services to an unveiled woman
The deputy governor of Qom said that the negligent manager of one of the banks in Qom province, who provided banking services to an unveiled woman despite citizens’ warnings, was dismissed by the order of the governor of Qom.
Ahmad Hajizadeh, referring to the release of a video on social networks showing the negligence of the officials of one of the bank branches in the province in adhering to the law of modesty and hijab by providing services to an unveiled individual, said that following the release of this video and the citizens’ concerns about the repetition of such violations and the media’s demand, the governor of Qom ordered the dismissal of the head of the offending bank branch. This morning, along with issuing this order, necessary warnings were again given to the supervisors and managers of all bank branches in the province to adhere to the law of modesty and hijab.
Mehr reported that on Thursday, November 24th, in one of the bank branches in the province, one of the women removed her hijab and the employees of this bank branch also served her against the laws.
The video of this individual’s unveiling on social networks also received a lot of reactions and caused a lot of concern among the people, which was met with a swift response and action from the governor of Qom.