The suggestion of the Etemad newspaper to Raisi: Dismiss Mohsen Rezaee from the cabinet, he angers the people.
The Etemad newspaper wrote: If I were among the advisors to the President, I would immediately put forth the suggestion to dismiss Mohsen Rezaee, the economic deputy, on the President’s desk. I would mention two main reasons for this suggestion.
1. Mohsen Rezaee has not been able to fulfill any of his promises.
2. Mohsen Rezaee, with his cheerful remarks, angers the people.
Mr. Mohsen, what economy and progress are you talking about? Are you aware that with your efforts and those of your friends, the poverty line has reached 18 million tomans per month? Do you know that a 36,000 toman dollar means a severe wave of inflation shortly after the previous intense wave caused by the implementation of economic surgery?