Ettelaat Newspaper: People must vote to solve problems
Ettelaat Newspaper wrote that with the experience gained from a unified governance, everyone, even at the highest levels of the system, has concluded that purification and a unified government are not efficient solutions for running the country.
The situation, conditions, and resources of the country are such that it is not possible to confront and properly manage the crises facing the nation without maximum participation and utilizing all human, intellectual, and material capacities of society.
Part of the problems the society is facing are actually the result of not participating in elections, which allows those who eagerly welcome minimal public participation to more easily ascend to power. Now, when the opportunity for a better choice has arisen, why should one abstain? Those who interpret abstention as a civil protest should also consider whether their abstention has yielded any results or has merely helped those who actually welcome such abstention to reach their goals.