The deputy security minister of the country stated that not even one person is objecting to the implementation of the hijab plan.
Seyyed Majid Mirahmadi, the deputy security minister of the country, emphasized that the Light Plan will continue vigorously, and he said that we all need to strive to defend the authority of the police, uphold the dignity of the police, and create a secure environment in society, and everyone should support the police.
Mirahmadi added that questioning the authority of the police and weakening it is not acceptable to any Iranian with any beliefs or tastes. Those who, under the influence of emotions, have attempted to unveil the hijab in these days, when faced with harassers, immediately contact the police and seek assistance from the police, and the police take action to deal with troublemakers and prevent violations.
He further stated that on the other hand, chastity and hijab are among the demands of the people, and during the implementation of this plan, we have not had a single case where people objected to the implementation of the plan and protested to the police.