Fardin Alikhah: The most significant divide in Iranian society these days is the mega-gap.
Fardin Alikhah, a sociologist, wrote an article about dishonor in today’s Iranian society. In part of this article, it is mentioned:
The social type of the dishonorable can be identified in all areas of society from top to bottom and is not limited to a specific profession or position. Dishonor in behavior is the most important characteristic of this type. Examples of dishonor can be found in politics, in the economy, and in culture. In the economic field, a dishonorable person always considers themselves clever and opportunistic.
Iranian society has many social divides, including ethnic divides, religious divides, class divides, government-people divides, gender divides, and generational divides. However, in my view, the most significant divide in Iranian society during these difficult days is the mega-gap between the honorable and the dishonorable.