The former deputy of the Civil Aviation Organization states that in the past 35 years, there has been no import of new airplanes.
Although the number of active airplanes in the country has not reached eight yet, experts warn that the aviation industry is not in good condition. If this trend continues, we will soon see a significant decrease in the number of active airplanes.
Alireza Manzari, the former deputy of the Civil Aviation Organization, talks about this crisis. Currently, there are 350 airplanes in the country, with more than half of them flying. However, the maintenance process leads to a decrease in this number.
Manzari further stated that sanctions have created an unfavorable situation for the industry and have prevented the import of new airplanes into the country. In the past 35 years, there has been no import of new airplanes, although these sanctions have not led to the shutdown of the country’s aviation industry.
He mentioned that there are more than 150 active airplanes, which seems to be a warning for the air transportation fleet. Despite the presence of 350 airplanes in Iran, some of them are inactive, and less than half of this number is active. Sometimes these active airplanes are not available for use because they are in maintenance facilities.