Foroughi, the director of Channel 3, says the attack on Sedighi is a project against revolutionary clergy.
Ali Foroughi, the director of Channel 3 of Sima, wrote in a note that the incident of the attack on Ayatollah Sedighi, under the strange title of land grabbing, and shortly after that, the attack on Ayatollah Alamolhoda, is certainly a project against the revolutionary clergy. These are two revolutionary clerics who have dedicated their lives to serving the Islamic system and have stood by the revolution of Hazrat Ruhollah with all their might in all social, political, and cultural crossroads, serving as soldiers for the deputy of Imam Zaman.
Do not become suspicious of a corrupt current based on news; the current claiming to seek justice is the source of these attacks. Their danger is like the danger of the Kharijites for Amir al-Mu’minin.