Grossi’s JCPOA Authority in Dealing with Iran
The latest statements by Rafael Grossi, the Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, about Iran and our country’s nuclear program indicate a high level of confidence that the control structure of this program within the JCPOA is its main foundation.
In his remarks, Grossi considered the topic of Iran and its nuclear activities to be more important than ever, and in statements that were overlooked by many, he mentioned that what he receives from his inspectors in this regard has made Iran more significant to him than before. Referring to the role and capability of the inspectors and the existing control structure in the JCPOA is an important topic in Grossi’s statements.
The IAEA Director also mentioned Iran’s demands beyond the JCPOA and practically against it, stating that he would not yield to political pressure and that the inspection and control program in Iran would continue.