Reza Kianian’s strong criticism: The digital revolution will pass over you
Reza Kianian wrote about the reduction of bandwidth: Since you can’t ban the entire internet, you reduce its bandwidth. Ladies and gentlemen, be worried about yourselves. Science follows its own path.
Your resistance to science and modernity has a long history. Throughout history, you have resisted every technological advancement and every technological revolution. How much did you declare this poor video forbidden? Who among you said, ‘Astaghfirullah, don’t film, it’s forbidden’? What happened now?
You declared satellites forbidden and imposed a lot of expenses on the nation and the government to collect satellite dishes. And then what happened?
Science follows its own path, and disgrace remains with you, just like all the cases I mentioned, which you know better.
You stood against the industrial revolution, it passed over you without care. Now you stand against the digital revolution. Be sure it will pass over you. People interact with the progress of the world. What are you holding onto and where?