Hassan Khomeini: If elections don’t bring about any change, why should society vote?
Seyyed Hassan Khomeini: Whatever the people say must be obeyed, even if it’s wrong.
Our intellectuals and activists don’t voice their opinions; their stances are stifled by self-censorship due to comments and likes.
Seyyed Hassan Khomeini, in a meeting with members of the Solidarity Party, said elections are only elections if they lead to change; otherwise, they are not elections.
Elections are only meaningful when people feel that if Zaid comes, their lives will be different than if Amr comes. If there is to be no change, why should society vote?
Even in times between bad and worse, society chooses bad, but only if the possibility of change is available. A large part of the responsibility for choosing elections lies with the executors and overseers of the elections.
If they want the elections to be enthusiastic, which is the best scenario and truly saves the country from all crises, they must allow the elections to be a source of change.
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