Hemati Raeisi’s concerns have not yet been addressed in the election debates

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Hemati Raeisi's concerns have not yet been addressed in the election debates

Hemati Raeisi still has his concerns not addressed in the election debates.

Abdolnaser Hemati, former head of the Central Bank, wrote that he intended to give some warnings about the impact of the 30% interest rate on banks’ insolvency and their excessive withdrawal trend by publishing a video of Raeisi’s remarks. However, when I saw the video of the President’s remarks today in the virtual space, and considering that three years have passed since the election competitions, and his concerns are still not addressed in the election debates, I refrained from giving this warning.

I wish someone would also provide a sealed letter regarding some of the files of the livestock institutions so that the possibility of presenting their information on the phone would also be available.


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