Javad Emam, Secretary General of the Association of Devotees, the government should listen to the voice of protest
Javad Emam, Secretary General of the Association of Devotees, stated in an interview with Jamaran News Agency
If people were involved in the elections and had their true representatives in execution and legislation, the government could engage in dialogue with the people through intermediary representatives and parties. We have rendered parties ineffective, and essentially, they have no relevance, and we have also made the majority of people hopeless and dissuaded from participation. The situation has reached a point where they express their demands in the streets, and when the waters are muddied, others seize their opportunity.
My plea is that the government should listen to the voice of protest and not allow the enemies of Iran and Iranians to exploit this situation. We can overcome these crises with the help of our people and their participation, but it seems to me that we are entrusting the management of affairs to individuals or media that do not wish for the prosperity of Iran and Iranians. We must engage in dialogue as soon as possible and accept the realities.