The Director General of the Kurdistan Governmental Sanctions Organization reports on the smuggling of 3,500 tons of gasoline by a petrochemical company.
The Director General of the Kurdistan Governmental Sanctions Organization addressed the case of a petrochemical company accused of false declaration and smuggling 3,500 tons of super gasoline valued at 311 billion and 428 million rials in the special branch for handling goods and currency smuggling violations in Marivan County.
The branch, considering the contents of the case, found the smuggling offense proven and sentenced the company’s CEO to a 2-year ban from management positions and a fine of 311 billion and 428 million rials for failing to provide an export license matching the discovered goods.
The branch also sentenced the company to a fine twice that of the CEO’s, equivalent to 6 times the value of the smuggled goods, amounting to 1,868 billion rials.