Larijani: Marx believed that without conflict, movement does not occur.
Larijani: In our country, we have two types of politicians. Now, by politicians, I mean those groups that have been active over the years. One type are those who place political life in a path of conflict. Perhaps in the past, Marxists were like this.
Marx essentially believed that without conflict, movement does not occur. I’m not saying that this type of political activists have borrowed from Marx, but when there is categorization and polarization, and they challenge each other, the scene becomes exciting, but the excitement is temporary.
The issue with such gaps is that their initial appearance is attractive and becomes populist, leading to street or domestic conflicts, but in the long term, they turn into social divides.
Another group consists of managers who think a bit more foresightedly and certainly sacrifice short-term interests for long-term benefits. They agree that there is diversity in society and it must be respected and directed towards unity.
A report and analysis titled ‘The Return of Ali Larijani: Opportunistic or a Decision for Change in Iran’ has been published on Iran Gate.