Lawyer Mohammad Hosseini says all confessions were made under torture.
The lawyer of Mohammad Hosseini, one of the defendants in the case of a Basij member’s murder in Karaj, says his client has been severely tortured in prison.
Ali Sharifzadeh Ardakani, a defense attorney, announced this news on Twitter, stating that he managed to meet Mohammad Hosseini in prison.
Mr. Sharifzadeh wrote, ‘I met with Seyed Mohammad Hosseini in Karaj prison. His account was filled with tears from torture, beatings with his eyes, hands, and feet bound, to kicks to the head and fainting, from iron bars to the soles of his feet, and a stun gun to various parts of his body. A man whose confessions were made under torture and have no legal validity.’
Mohammad Hosseini is the second defendant in the case of the murder of a Basij member named Rouhollah Ajamian, who was killed during a security forces’ attack on participants in the 40th-day ceremony for Hadis Najafi.
It has been reported that Mr. Hosseini has been sentenced to execution in this case.
Mr. Sharifzadeh Ardakani wrote on Twitter, in response to users, that he has signed a power of attorney with Mr. Hosseini for appealing the death sentence.