Mashhad, the hub of cosmetic surgery for tourists, is a goldmine for brokers.
Neighboring and Arabic-speaking countries choose Mashhad as their first destination for medical procedures, especially cosmetic surgeries.
A guide talks about his income, saying it varies greatly depending on the type of work and where it is done. I can’t give an exact number, but on average, it’s about 15 to 20 percent of the operation’s cost.
Just five minutes in the large parking lot in front of the area is enough to encounter a significant number of men with bandaged heads and women with plastered noses. The parking lot is filled with high-end cars stopping one after another, and people getting out speaking Arabic. Here, you feel as if you’re not in Iran but in one of the Arabic-speaking countries. However, this is the parking lot of one of the cosmetic clinics in Mashhad that specializes in working with Arabic-speaking tourists. As you enter, it feels like stepping into a hotel. A woman fluent in Arabic is waiting at the entrance to guide the tourists, although everyone who comes here is not alone and has a guide with them who watches over their client like a hawk.