Mehdi Tartar, the head coach of Malavan, is one of the Premier League coaches who wants to become the head coach of the national team by bribing.
Mehdi Tartar, the head coach of Malavan, said, ‘I have worked hard to reach the position I have in football coaching and the Premier League. I have worked diligently, coached in the most remote parts of the country, and fought to earn credibility in football coaching. I did not get here overnight.’
However, now we see that some coaches want to take the shortcut and achieve in a day what takes a hundred years by giving bribes. One of the Premier League coaches has claimed in the presence of his players and coaches that he will replace Ghalenoei in the national team in two years. He certainly wants to do this through bribery; otherwise, becoming the head coach of the national team is not that easy, and you need to earn your stripes in football.