Minoo Khaleghi, a political activist, insults the audience’s intelligence when they say we don’t have morality police.
Minoo Khaleghi, a reformist political activist, stated that Iranian officials are far removed from the thoughts and desires of the current young generation and criticized the electoral candidates for their positions on women’s issues.
In an interview with ILNA news agency, she said that candidates do not clearly promise to appoint female ministers in the cabinet during debates, but thankfully, they all claim to support women’s rights.
This reformist political activist also commented on the electoral candidates, saying that some of them have over 40 years of executive experience and each of them blames the unequal conditions regarding women’s rights, and probably we women should apologize.
Ms. Khaleghi says that claiming there is no morality police in the debates is an insult to the nation’s intelligence, while according to her, they slap our daughters in the face for implementing the Noor Plan or wrap them in blankets and throw them into cars.
Ms. Khaleghi also believes that the discussion about the cold election atmosphere is not limited to this election; we witnessed boycott behaviors in 2021 and also experienced a cold, non-participatory election last March.