Mohammad Khatami: A true reformist does not turn away from elections and governance
Message from Seyyed Mohammad Khatami to the Fifth Congress of the E’temad-e Melli Party: A true reformist is not estranged from anyone and will not become estranged, although he may take a stance and criticize, which he should do. He will not turn away from elections, governance, and especially the people.
If there is any estrangement, it is not from the reformists but from the ruling power, which has turned away from reform and reformism.
Regarding elections, we must defend them because elections are the path to achieving a democratic system that can ensure the welfare of the people, where people feel satisfied. It can improve people’s worldly lives and allow those who are concerned with the hereafter to pursue their path without bothering anyone or being bothered by anyone.
In the current arena, reformism is proud that a significant portion of its veterans consider themselves reformists and reform-seekers, which is a value. It is clear that reformism seeks to reform itself first and then society, and if there is deviation and dishonesty at high levels and throughout the system, it wants them to be corrected.
Therefore, from our perspective, elections are very important, and if there is any criticism, it is that elections are not in their proper place and should be returned to their rightful position. Be successful and victorious.