Mohammad Khatami, a true reformist, does not resort to elections and ruling by force.
In his message to the 5th Congress of the Assembly of Devotees Party, Seyyed Mohammad Khatami emphasizes that a true reformist does not resort to force with anyone, although he may take a position and criticize. He will not resort to force with elections and governance, especially with the people.
If there is any coercion, it is not from the reformists, but from the ruling power, which has coerced through reform and reformism.
In the matter of elections, one must also defend elections because elections are the way to achieve a democratic system that can provide the welfare of the people and make them feel satisfied. It can improve the world of the people and make those who are religious feel that they can follow their path to the afterlife in this world without being disturbed by anyone and without anyone bothering them.
In the current arena, reformism also has the honor of considering a significant portion of its devotees as reformists. It is evident that reformism seeks its own reform primarily and the reform of society secondarily. If there is any deviation and wrongdoing at high levels and throughout the system, it wants it to be reformed.
In our opinion, elections are very important, and any criticism is only about the fact that they are not in their proper place and need to return to their rightful position. Be successful and victorious.