Mohammad Khatami: The society is facing problems in terms of livelihood and hope for life.
The head of the reformist government, in a meeting with a group of academics, said that after the revolution, the establishment of organizations has not been officially and legally prohibited, but in practice, effective organizations have not been formed.
The society is facing major problems regarding livelihood, hope for life, having an acceptable living standard, and its environment.
To solve the problems, one must take the initiative and even bear the costs.
What has emerged in practice are Islamic associations, which unfortunately, many have faced restrictions, and if the authorities did not favor them, they have either been shut down or confronted with many limitations and pressures.
In any case, Islamic associations do not replace guilds. If we want civil society and democracy, before anything else, even before parties, guilds must be recognized. In the absence of a true guild or syndicate, a real and widespread party will not emerge or will not have the necessary effectiveness.
In a free and democratic society, all different sectors of society must have their real representatives to defend their rights and participate in the fate of the society.
Your association must defend the rights and dignity of all teachers, professors, and even students with different tendencies. If problems and constraints arise for them and also for the entire society, they must be identified, expressed, and efforts must be made to resolve them, even bearing the costs.
If rights are being denied and inappropriate actions are taken, the Islamic association should respond to it in a civil manner.
Logically confront those who want to overthrow the Islamic Republic, and if the rulers have deviated from the principles of the republic and Islam compatible with it, express it, warn them, and even seek ways to bring them back to the principles of the Islamic republic and strive to achieve it.