Mohammad Mohajeri: Regardless of who the next Speaker of Parliament is, their position does not have a national profile.
Mohammad Mohajeri explained Ghalibaf’s mistake in forming a coalition with the Stability Front to the Shargh newspaper, saying that Mr. Ghalibaf’s mistake in allying with the Stability Front was that he sidelined many of his friends for the sake of this coalition and accepted the removal of these like-minded individuals from the list.
Mohajeri, speaking about the next Speaker of Parliament, said that in light of the makeup of the progressive parliament and the individuals present in Baharestan, the future Speaker of Parliament will be merely a spokesperson. This means the next Speaker will not have the dignity of a true leader, and compared to previous Speakers who were considered national figures, the future Speaker will not hold the status of a national figure. In my opinion, whether it is Ghalibaf, Nikzad, Aghatehrani, Motaki, or any other individual who takes the seat of the twelfth Speaker of Parliament, they will not have the stature of a national figure.