Pakistan government to begin second phase of deporting Afghan nationals soon

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Pakistan will soon begin the second phase of deporting Afghan nationals.

By implementing the plan to repatriate unauthorized Afghan nationals from Pakistan, which started this year and so far half a million of them have returned to their country, Islamabad will start the second phase of deporting Afghan nationals in the coming weeks.

Despite dissatisfaction from Afghan officials and international organizations regarding Pakistan’s decision to deport illegal Afghan nationals, this process has not stopped. More than half a million Afghans have been forced to return to their country.

Pakistan’s unexpected decision in late October 2023 to deport Afghan nationals illegally residing in the country has severely affected the already tense relations between the two neighboring countries. The Afghan Taliban describes Pakistan’s deportation of its nationals as an unjust action.

Pakistani media, citing informed sources, add that upon completing the second phase, the immediate start of the third phase of repatriating Afghan nationals will begin, during which legally registered refugees in the country must also leave Pakistan.


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