Driving more than once through Andarzgoo is considered a sign of improper hijab in a vehicle.
Khatereh Vatankhah, a journalist, wrote in a tweet that when she approached the authorities last winter to inquire about warnings regarding improper hijab in vehicles, Ms. Hedayatgar from the guidance department listed the following criteria as examples of improper hijab in a vehicle.
1. Music volume that can be heard from the adjacent vehicle. 2. Wearing a scarf and hat. 3. Presence of a man with long hair in the vehicle. 4. Driving more than once within an hour in the areas of Elahieh, Andarzgoo, Kouy Faraz, and the first square of Tehranpars is considered improper hijab and counts as two warnings. 5. Wearing a scarf or headscarf in a way that the driver’s ears are exposed. 6. Carrying a pet without a carrier.