Revelation by a conservative representative about the manipulation of the Hijab Commission’s resolution: Our commission’s resolution did not go to the Guardian Council.
Hassan Nourozi, a member of the special commission for reviewing the Hijab and Modesty bill, said in a Khabar Online debate that the judiciary’s Hijab and Modesty bill was punitive in nature.
If there were no behind-the-scenes influences, the Protection Plan would have successfully followed its course. There are also unseen hands regarding the Hijab and Modesty bill.
The behind-the-scenes influence refers to the individual who, when the Hijab and Modesty bill was supposed to go to the Guardian Council, instead of submitting the bill approved by the special commission, submitted their own bill.
The difference between the bill approved by the special commission and the one sent to the Guardian Council was about 27 or 28 articles.
Even now that the Hijab and Modesty bill has returned from the Guardian Council, 3 more articles have been added to it.
I made a statement and I stand by it.
The 3 articles that have changed include one about unveiling in offices, the second about the punishment for discouraging vice, and the third that unveiling must be against public modesty or against public modesty and ethics.