Saman Rashno, the brother of Sepideh Rashno, wrote on his Twitter page that his sister does not have any social media accounts. A video of Sepideh Rashno was also attached to this tweet, in which she confirmed this herself. In the video, Sepideh Rashno said:
Hello to all my dear and kind-hearted compatriots. This video is being shared through my brother Saman’s Twitter account. I’m very happy that you were concerned about my well-being. I’m doing well and getting better. Due to my current mental state, I am not active on any social media platforms. None of the accounts that seem to be operating under my name are verified. If there ever comes a time when I decide to be active and return to social media, I will definitely announce it through my brother Saman’s Twitter account or my lawyer, Mr. Nezami. I love you all very much.