Suspension of 2 Iranian national athletes due to doping
2 athletes from the fields of athletics and kurash have been banned from all sports activities for 7 and 8 years respectively
The decision-making council of the Iran NADO National Anti-Doping Organization issued a 7-year suspension for Shahin Mehrdadian, a national shot put athlete in athletics, who used the prohibited substance Oxandrolone, from 1401/04/21 to 1408/04/20, and an 8-year suspension for Ebrahim Qajar, a national kurash athlete, due to the use of the prohibited substance Stanozolol, from 1401/03/08 to 1409/03/07, from participating in all sports activities.
The reason for the heavy sentences for these 2 athletes is in accordance with clause 19.10 of the set of rules of the Iran National Anti-Doping Organization, which pertains to the second or third violation of anti-doping rules, and considering that Shahin Mehrdadian was suspended for 2 years in 2014 and Ebrahim Qajar was suspended for 4 years in 2015 due to doping, and both committed their second violation in their sports careers.