Taiwan Was Absent from the Olympics

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Taiwan was absent from the Olympics.

The Taiwanese badminton duo won the gold medal at the Paris Olympics by defeating their Chinese rivals, marking the country’s first gold in these games.

However, the enthusiastic Taiwanese spectators were deprived of carrying their blue and red national flag and instead cheered for their team with the customary Olympic symbol of their country.

Banners and posters bearing the name of Taiwan were forcibly taken from spectators by security personnel in the venue, and some were torn apart in front of cameras. Due to pressure from China, the International Olympic Committee has long barred the Taiwanese from using their official title in the Olympic competitions.

The people of Taiwan, in turn, are sufficiently affected by the anxiety and psychological pressure of neighboring China and do not wish for new troubles for their athletes. This is why, in a referendum held a few years ago, they voted against using Taiwan’s official title in the Olympic games, which might also apply to many other sporting events. The great victory of the Taiwanese badminton duo over the Chinese and the repeat of the Tokyo Olympic gold in Paris was an exciting competition that filled the Taiwanese people with joy. However, the bitter taste of this restriction and the shadow of China’s influence remained amidst the sweetness of this victory.

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Master's in Western Philosophy from Iran Master's in International Political Economy with a specialization in Sanction Design from the UK PhD candidate in Political Management and Elections
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