Tear in Kamal-ol-Molk’s ‘Cat and Canary’ Painting at Golestan Palace
Arash Moudi, a cultural heritage activist, announced on his Instagram page about the tear in Kamal-ol-Molk’s ‘Cat and Canary’ painting at Golestan Palace.
A few days ago, we went to Golestan Palace, and I was very eager to see the works of Master Kamal-ol-Molk. Unfortunately, when I reached the ‘Cat and Canary’ painting, I was shocked to see a tear on the piece. I asked the officials there if the piece was original or a replica, and they replied that all the items inside the palace are original.
I was even more surprised and asked why this painting was torn. Apparently, the officials were not aware, and they came with me to Master Kamal-ol-Molk’s painting and noticed the tear. I’ve been very keen to find out whether this piece had a tear at the same spot in the past or if this incident happened recently to this work, which is one of the national treasures of this land.
How did the officials there not notice this tear in the painting? A lady, who was one of the officials, said in surprise that perhaps it was torn while nailing it to the wall.