The extremist reaction to the design of women’s attire in the operating room distances society from religion.
Recently, the Secretary of the Command of Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil stated that those who serve in the field of healthcare should focus on the attire of female patients in the operating rooms. The attire of patients is no longer a matter of concern in our society for Muslim women. It was then announced that a model design has been initiated to empower the enforcers of righteousness with a governmental and legal backing.
Abtahi stated that these types of behaviors that are happening these days, such as the obligation for female employees in Qom to wear a chador or the horror tunnel in metro stations or reciting certain prayers in schools before entering or the issue of the difference in Islamic surgical dress designs, are all extremist behaviors that seriously damage the foundations of religion.
Not only are these actions not a priority, but the religious community should be concerned about these types of extremism, which only disgusts and distances the younger generation and society from religion, and draws criticism from the public.
The most important impact of these behaviors is that society, due to these extremes, becomes further distanced from religion and faith, creating more grounds for secularization rather than religiousness.