The shooting federation has announced that the cable of the Azadi Sports Complex has been stolen and the electricity has been cut off.
The shooting federation has stated that the theft of the cable at the Azadi Sports Complex and the power outage have caused problems in organizing the fifth round of the men’s free rifle and pistol competitions.
According to the shooting federation, this competition was supposed to be held today, Friday, and Saturday, but after this incident, the national championship will only be held in the preliminary stage.
Iranian media have also reported that part of the electrical cables of the Azadi Sports Complex has been stolen, causing problems for some teams’ training camps.
Tasnim News Agency has written that in the past few days, nearly 15 kilometers of cable have been stolen from the eastern side of this complex.
It has been reported that this theft has led to the suspension of training activities for teams operating in the eastern side.
Tasnim has written that about two weeks ago, the water and electricity of the football academy and the training complex of the national football team were cut off due to cable theft.