The National Assessment Organization’s warning to candidates: Activities of those claiming to cheat are being monitored on Telegram channels.
The head of the National Exam Protection Council, referring to some reports received about the intensified activities of profiteers claiming to cheat on social media, said candidates who have planned and worked hard for a year or even years to succeed in the national exam, and have prepared with the time and energy of themselves and their families, expect to participate in a fair and safe competition and witness the realization of educational justice in society.
Hajilou, pointing out that the activities of those claiming to cheat in channels and groups on social media are being monitored, identified, and controlled by intelligence and security agencies, especially the cyber police, as the most important preventive measure before the exam, said that candidates’ membership in virtual groups and channels claiming to cheat, as well as the use of prohibited tools, is considered a violation and will lead to their disqualification from the exam.
The head of the National Exam Protection Council emphasized that on the other hand, those who send documents or make any payments in these groups will be referred to judicial authorities and, depending on the criminal acts committed, may even face imprisonment.