Who is Mohammad Bahmaei? Petrochemical Mafia Corruption Part 2

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In less than two years after Mohammad Bahmaei’s employment, a high-ranking residence of Tehran’s oil executives is assigned and eventually sold to Khalili and Paknezhad at a discounted price. This is despite the fact that Bahmaei also has a villa in the 1083 D Street of the Oil Town, specifically designated for high-ranking executives of the oil regions, which was renovated with a minimum cost of 200 million tomans starting from 2018, upon his request and the generosity of Alipour, the CEO of the southern oil regions.

As for Mohammad Bahmaei, his arrival at the National Drilling Company of Iran was solely for the purpose of embezzlement, buying votes, and forming a black army for the parliamentary elections in Ramhormoz, as well as creating a case against Heidar Bahmani to destroy and eliminate him from the election scene in Ramhormoz.

محمد بهمئی

The strangest appointment was Alireza Zahedzadeh Ramhormozi being appointed as the manager of human resources, replacing Bani Saeed. Zahedzadeh, who was previously working in the operations and transportation management and was responsible for housing, sports affairs, in positions of grade two and three until six months ago, suddenly takes over this management in a surprising move, despite the presence of many qualified and experienced human resources professionals. The only motivation for promoting the drilling staff was to be affiliated with Ramhormozi and in the circle of Mohammad Bahmaei.

Corruption in the National Drilling Company

With this appointment, Behmei took control of all national drilling recruitments, which sometimes Bani Saeed hindered the proper implementation of regulations. Despite the honorable Minister of Oil’s order to ban recruitments in this company, approximately 300 individuals from the crooked hat family were employed in Behmei within a year.

Since Behmei and Sepahri entered National Drilling, due to bulk and herd appointments of the Ramhormozi family, and the removal of competent and deserving individuals, a wave of apathy and reluctance among employees and experts in this company emerged. Therefore, we must welcome Mohammad Behmei, the revolutionary, and perhaps the infiltrator English pawn.

After reviewing the current situation, Behmei appoints Mohammad Reza Tahmasbi, a thoughtful brain of embezzlements, from the Fluids Management to the Recovery Management. He replaces Pourbabai, another pawn of his, with this change. With the help of Vissi Ara, the engineering manager whom he has also put under the control of Behmei and Maboudi, large contracts for purchasing chemical materials, drilling rigs, and many other technical equipment for drilling rigs are assigned to his own contractors and those recommended by Khalili. Tahmasbi solely hands over oil well contracts worth 14 billion tomans to the Khalili brothers with just his three signatures.

Vissi Ara and Tahmasbi, who have influence at the Azad University, collude with Dr. Shahrooi, a university official, and transfer contracts for equipment and drilling devices inspections to the Khuzestan Water and Electricity Inspection Company, owned by Dr. Shahrooi, worth billions of tomans.

Fake PhD of the Behmai family

Mohammad Behmai and his brother Abbas Behmai simultaneously register for a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the Ramhormoz City Council. They did not attend any of the classes and their absence during the exam session was recorded by the exam inspector. However, with Shahrooi’s intervention, the matter is resolved and the gentlemen, who have not attended classes or taken exams, will soon receive their fake and forged PhD certificates.

Due to Behmai’s widespread corruption, bribery, and severe incompetence, as well as the company’s inability to manage properly, one-fourth of its towers are idle and causing significant losses. Moreover, the company has not paid its debts to contractors and suppliers, even since 1995, and is on the verge of collapse.

Iran Gate’s exclusive reports, obtained from informed and specialized sources, are part of a special file that is shared with Iran Gate news agency.

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Saeed Aganji is a journalist and researcher specializing in Iranian affairs. He has served as the editor-in-chief of the student journal "Saba" and was a member of the editorial board of the newspaper "Tahlil Rooz" in Shiraz, which had its license revoked in 2009.
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