Parliament Rejected Raisi’s Claims
The Parliament Rejected Raisi's ClaimsThe Parliament Rejected Raisi's Claims. According to Iran…
Reformism: A Tragic Drama
Reformism: A Tragic DramaReformism: A Tragic Drama According to Iran Gate, a…
Execution with the Intent to Intimidate
Execution for IntimidationExecution for Intimidation: The recent Iran Gate report and the…
The Iranian Banking System is Bankrupt
The Iranian banking system is bankrupt.The Iranian banking system is bankrupt. According…
Accused of Forgery and Theft Becomes Minister of Roads
Accused of Forgery and Theft Became Minister of RoadsAccused of forgery and…
When will the dollar reach 40,000 Tomans
When will the dollar reach 40,000 tomans?When will the dollar reach 40,000…
Promoters of Virtue to Replace Morality Police
Promoters of Virtue to Replace Morality PatrolsPromoters of virtue are set to…
The End of the Honeymoon of Optional Hijab
The End of the Honeymoon for Optional HijabThe End of the Honeymoon…
Disaster at Istanbul Crossroads
Disaster at Istanbul CrossroadsWhat Did Raisi Do with the National Currency?According to…
Anonymity: Double Discrimination
Anonymity as Double DiscriminationAnonymity as Double Discrimination: Regardless of the validity of…