Mir Hossein Mousavi’s 2022 Statement: Audience, Rivals, and Enemies
Mir Hossein Mousavi's 2022 statement while under house arrest has elicited very…
Saudi Arabia Begins Purchasing Weapons from Israel
Saudi Arabia Begins Purchasing Weapons from IsraelA new round of special arms…
Who is to Blame for the Failure of the JCPOA Talks
Who is to blame for the failure of the JCPOA negotiations?The mountain…
The Dangerous Parliament Proposal Attacking People’s Mental Well-being
The Dangerous Proposal of the Parliament Attacking the People's Mental Well-beingAfter the…
Agreement in Vienna Talks Finalized
Agreement in Vienna talks finalizedFinalization of agreement confirmed by UlyanovThe Russian representative…
What Did Seyed of the Deprived Do with People’s Livelihood
What Did the Leader of the Disadvantaged Do with People's Livelihood?The Statistical…
What Happened to the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents
What Happened to the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and…
Ban on Work for Famous Yezdi Eulogy Singer
The Famous Yezdi Lament Singer's BanThe Kouyeh Biouk Yazd group, known for…
Raisi Government’s Failure in the Currency Market
Rejection of Raisi's Government in the Currency MarketAccording to Irangate, the thirteenth…