Tag: اطلاعات سپاه

Security and judicial institutions remained silent against Khaliri’s corruption in Episode 4

Security and judicial institutions remained silent in the face of Jalayer Khalili's…

Saeed Aganji

Corruption of Jalair Khalili with the code name Hora Nikbakht Part 2

Corruption of Jalair Khalili with the code name Hura Nikbakht - Part…

Saeed Aganji

Who is Mohammad Bahmaei? Petrochemical Mafia Corruption Part 2

In less than two years after Mohammad Bahmaei's employment, a high-ranking residence…

Saeed Aganji

The Unanswered Mystery of Serial Poisonings Among Students

The unanswered mystery of serial poisonings among studentsAccording to Iran Gate, on…


پرونده مهدی چوپانی (مجاهد)

پرونده مهدی چوپانی (مجاهد) / قطع دست پنهان قدرت در عملیات پاکسازی…

Saeed Aganji