Lawyer Javad Rouhi, who has not set fire but only danced and threw a scarf into the fire
Lawyer Javad Rouhi, who has not set fire but only danced and…
Angelina Jolie’s Call to Cut My Own and My Family’s Hair for the Iran Protests Exhibition
Angelina Jolie's call for the exhibition of Iran protests: I cut my…
Economic Crisis Looming in the System
Economic crisis lurking in the systemIranian banks are bankruptAccording to Iran Gate's…
Ibrahim Raeesi left the negotiation table after the Western disturbances
After the protests, Ibrahim Raeisi left the negotiation table.In a meeting with…
The head of the Guardian Council Research Institute must be more attentive to the protests
The head of the Guardian Council Research Institute should be more attentive…
A Festival That Didn’t Reach Dawn
A festival that didn't reach dawnAccording to Iran Gate, the 41st annual…
Late Efforts to Restore Social Capital
Late attempt to regain social capitalAccording to Iran Gate's report, it seems…
Ahmad Khatami acted for 120 days of unrest by his own bosses
Ahmad Khatami acted upon the orders of his masters during the 120…
The Government’s Hand in the People’s Pocket
The government's hand in the people's pocketAccording to Iran Gate's recent report,…
We intervened in the Kurdish riots, said the deputy operations of the Sepah
We intervened in the Kurdish riots as the deputy operations of the…