Jebheh Paydari will file a complaint against Entekhab website due to the issue of GashtareShad
The Front of Steadfastness will file a complaint against Entekhab website due…
Fifth of Aban Month Named National Saffron Day
On the fifth of Aban, the National Saffron Day was named.Considering the…
Mona Khosh Aghbal is an expert in visual arts and a major financial transactions intermediary
Mona Khosh Aghabal is an expert in visual arts and is a…
Moein al-Din Saeedi, representative of 400,000 people in Sistan and Baluchestan, are affected by floods
Moein al-Din Saeedi, a representative of 400,000 people in Sistan and Baluchestan…
Fiber Optic Equipment Destroyed by Telecommunications Company, Minister of Communications
The Minister of Communications stated that fiber optic equipment has been destroyed…
Michigan court opposes disqualification of Trump
The Michigan court opposed disqualifying TrumpOn Thursday, the Michigan Supreme Court rejected…
Earthquake in the Fundamentalists’ Camp
Earthquake in the Fundamentalists' CampAccording to Iran Gate, an earthquake has occurred…
To prevent tea stains, we must make the right choice
To prevent setbacks, we must make choices.Former Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif wrote…
The news website Entekhab Pmessenger blocked the channel of Hamidreza Alimi
The news website Entekhab Payamresan Ita Telegram Channel has blocked Hamidreza AlimiWhen…